Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Ever since we started removing lead from paint and gasoline, more people vote Republican. Hmmmm...
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
A few predictions for "NeoLogic"
The MSM will continue to fellate the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party will continue to reveal themselves to be utterly devoid of good ideas, common sense, and patriotism.
The American people will continue to be repulsed by this vulgar display of Frenchness.
Despite the MSM fellatio, the Dems will lose 15 more seats in the House, and 5 more seats in the Senate.
NeoLogic, Zorro, Duncan Black, and Markos Zoulitsas will insist that the election was stolen by black helicopters, Diebold, and Karl Rove's satellite mounted mind control rays.
"Diarists" on the Daily Kos will find this to be just crazy talk, and insist on repeating all the bullshit about the Skull and Bones, conveniently forgetting that John Kerry was a member also.
Democratic Underground posters will find this explanation utterly implausible, insisting on explaining events with references to re-incarnated Atlanteans, (think I'm kidding?) space aliens, and the book of Revelations.
Livejournal owners will find this explanation all too convenient, and will insist on airing theories concerning black magic so ridiculous as would shame the writers of even the most fantastic (not to mention fabulous!) of Role Playing Games, if those writers were such utter losers as to actually read Livejournals.
George Bush will still be President, the Republican Party will still control the House, Senate, and Supreme Court, and the country will still be mostly dedicated to winning the War on Terror.
The majority of Americans will finally realize what a bunch of utterly deranged morons inhabit the Democrat Party, 49,000,000 straitjackets will be ordered, tranquilizer sales will skyrocket, and the construction industry will desperately try to keep up with the demand for new insane asylums.
"NeoLogic", being a poor intern making somewhat less than minimum wage, will be sent to one of the older asylums without broadband internet access, and will be forced to access the Internet over dial-up with nothing more than an old Pentium II 166, which he will be sharing with a 400 lb. sadomasochistic sodomizer, a situation he will consider a mixed blessing.
The Democrat Party will continue to reveal themselves to be utterly devoid of good ideas, common sense, and patriotism.
The American people will continue to be repulsed by this vulgar display of Frenchness.
Despite the MSM fellatio, the Dems will lose 15 more seats in the House, and 5 more seats in the Senate.
NeoLogic, Zorro, Duncan Black, and Markos Zoulitsas will insist that the election was stolen by black helicopters, Diebold, and Karl Rove's satellite mounted mind control rays.
"Diarists" on the Daily Kos will find this to be just crazy talk, and insist on repeating all the bullshit about the Skull and Bones, conveniently forgetting that John Kerry was a member also.
Democratic Underground posters will find this explanation utterly implausible, insisting on explaining events with references to re-incarnated Atlanteans, (think I'm kidding?) space aliens, and the book of Revelations.
Livejournal owners will find this explanation all too convenient, and will insist on airing theories concerning black magic so ridiculous as would shame the writers of even the most fantastic (not to mention fabulous!) of Role Playing Games, if those writers were such utter losers as to actually read Livejournals.
George Bush will still be President, the Republican Party will still control the House, Senate, and Supreme Court, and the country will still be mostly dedicated to winning the War on Terror.
The majority of Americans will finally realize what a bunch of utterly deranged morons inhabit the Democrat Party, 49,000,000 straitjackets will be ordered, tranquilizer sales will skyrocket, and the construction industry will desperately try to keep up with the demand for new insane asylums.
"NeoLogic", being a poor intern making somewhat less than minimum wage, will be sent to one of the older asylums without broadband internet access, and will be forced to access the Internet over dial-up with nothing more than an old Pentium II 166, which he will be sharing with a 400 lb. sadomasochistic sodomizer, a situation he will consider a mixed blessing.