Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The Abramhoff Kerfuffle
Schlong makes a damn good point.
Every time the Dimodorks think they've got Bush, they fail. Miserably.
Every time the Dimodorks think they've got Bush, they fail. Miserably.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Also Sprache Velocigerdankus!
Hie thee hence.
Gots him a way with words, he do.
It's time to start to nuking capital cities, training about ten times the number of snipers we currently employ, expanding the military and laying down the law over in Mad Mullah Land. Let's start by stating as a matter of policy that anyone at all, anywhere in the world, that preaches "Death to X!", where "X" refers to innocent human life, has declared themselves outlaw to the human race, and will be dealt with accordingly.
By "outlaw", I am referring to the old Viking customs, (look em up) and by "dealt with accordingly", of course I mean "shot on sight, or if captured, hung as soon as useful information ceases to be forthcoming".
Gots him a way with words, he do.
It's time to start to nuking capital cities, training about ten times the number of snipers we currently employ, expanding the military and laying down the law over in Mad Mullah Land. Let's start by stating as a matter of policy that anyone at all, anywhere in the world, that preaches "Death to X!", where "X" refers to innocent human life, has declared themselves outlaw to the human race, and will be dealt with accordingly.
By "outlaw", I am referring to the old Viking customs, (look em up) and by "dealt with accordingly", of course I mean "shot on sight, or if captured, hung as soon as useful information ceases to be forthcoming".
The biggest waste of money in the history of humanity. Beats the alternative, sometimes, but only barely.
While America Burns...
...Hillary Clinton watches, masturbating furiously.
Just showing Mike over at Cold Fury how it's done.
Just showing Mike over at Cold Fury how it's done.
John McCain, fucknozzle.
Luckily for us, this asshole's time is almost up. Time to put a real American in his spot, a big brawny Southwesterner that breaks broncs on his own ranch, carries a revolver all the time, a real man who isn't afraid to put 500,000 troops on the southern border with orders to shoot every last illegal alien that tries to invade our country. Mexico is carrying out a sub rosa invasion of this country with illegal aliens, and it's time we started to elect some real men to deal with the issue.
If John McCain had the balls of a used up pre-op transexual prostitute, this discussion wouldn't even be necessary, but he doesn't, and it is, and there you have it.
If John McCain had the balls of a used up pre-op transexual prostitute, this discussion wouldn't even be necessary, but he doesn't, and it is, and there you have it.
Loco Gringos Like a Party!
It's true. Really. And if you don't have the Reverend Horton Heat's song of the same name, then get the hell outta here until you can act civilized, youngster.
An incredibly deep sinkhole into which one must toss oodles and oodles of money. Not related to "Government", but similar.
Mass proof positive that self-perception of sexual inadequacy can cause one to make the most incredibly idiotic socio-political decisions possible.
Blogger, thou doth sucketh!
No copy/paste function?! WTF, over? Exactly what fucking century are you in, anyway? And when are you going to enable comment editing for the site owner?
Friday, March 03, 2006
Micheal Barone has a question for you.
Hie thee hence. The question is at the bottom of the column, but read the whole thing, as they say, so you don't look like a complete idiot in your answer.
My answer for Mr. Barone is that most of the "journalists" in this country are either on the payroll of enemies of the United States or at the least, active sympathizers with those enemies. Therefore, I heartily advocate immediate prosecution of anyone violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and it's later amendments, any findings of guilt to be followed by timely exhaustion of the appeals process to be followed by public hangings. Party affiliation means nothing to me in this matter, nor any other, and my fair readers are to be reminded that I am a registered Independent.
My answer for Mr. Barone is that most of the "journalists" in this country are either on the payroll of enemies of the United States or at the least, active sympathizers with those enemies. Therefore, I heartily advocate immediate prosecution of anyone violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and it's later amendments, any findings of guilt to be followed by timely exhaustion of the appeals process to be followed by public hangings. Party affiliation means nothing to me in this matter, nor any other, and my fair readers are to be reminded that I am a registered Independent.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Victor Davis Hanson nails another one.
Hie thee hence and read it all.
I'm getting awfully sick of the Left in this country being their normal pessimistic selves when someone else is in charge. It sure wasn't like that right before Somalia, was it? Remember the optimism leading up to that little clusterfuck? Everyone on the Left was enthusiastic that we were going to go help the U.N. (spit) calm the situation down, feed the pore an starvin, become beloved benefactors, etc. etc. ad fucking very nauseum. Sure did seem like a slam dunk, too. Why, if those warlords got out of hand we've got a few light units of the very bestest military in the whole damn world to sort things out!
Never mind the fact that Bill Clinton was, like every Goddamned Democrat for the last fifty years, utterly unqualified to lead a rifle squad to the chow line, much less be Commander in Chief of not one, not two, not three or even four, but five branches of the military. Oh no. That's irrelevent.
And so, heavy armor was left out of the deployment mix, insufficient logistical planning was done, and our boys paid the price.
Where's that optimism now? If anything, there's far more cause for optimism in Iraq than there ever was in Somalia, if for no other reason than that George W. Bush is a far more competent Commander in Chief than Bilious Clinton. Our military is properly equipped, despite all Leftard whining to the contrary, well led, and highly motivated. According to almost everyone actually in Iraq, we're winning the war against the insurgents. According to the traitorous MSM, of course, it's an unwinnable quagmire.
No, I don't buy it. The only unwinnable quagmire I see U.S. forces in is the Balkans.
I'm getting awfully sick of the Left in this country being their normal pessimistic selves when someone else is in charge. It sure wasn't like that right before Somalia, was it? Remember the optimism leading up to that little clusterfuck? Everyone on the Left was enthusiastic that we were going to go help the U.N. (spit) calm the situation down, feed the pore an starvin, become beloved benefactors, etc. etc. ad fucking very nauseum. Sure did seem like a slam dunk, too. Why, if those warlords got out of hand we've got a few light units of the very bestest military in the whole damn world to sort things out!
Never mind the fact that Bill Clinton was, like every Goddamned Democrat for the last fifty years, utterly unqualified to lead a rifle squad to the chow line, much less be Commander in Chief of not one, not two, not three or even four, but five branches of the military. Oh no. That's irrelevent.
And so, heavy armor was left out of the deployment mix, insufficient logistical planning was done, and our boys paid the price.
Where's that optimism now? If anything, there's far more cause for optimism in Iraq than there ever was in Somalia, if for no other reason than that George W. Bush is a far more competent Commander in Chief than Bilious Clinton. Our military is properly equipped, despite all Leftard whining to the contrary, well led, and highly motivated. According to almost everyone actually in Iraq, we're winning the war against the insurgents. According to the traitorous MSM, of course, it's an unwinnable quagmire.
No, I don't buy it. The only unwinnable quagmire I see U.S. forces in is the Balkans.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Mac Stupidiocy
This is for Mike, Mr. Lion, and Zorro over at Cold Fury. Don't get me wrong, the first two guys are alright, other than their love of over priced under performing excuses for computers. Let's not forget Mr. Lion's love of Crotch Rocket style motorcycles, known to sensible people as Road Pizza Cookers, surely an invention of Satan. Other than that, of course, they're pretty decent people. Zorro, of course, is a vile little anti-Semitic conspiracy theory loving enemy of humanity, but I've said that before, I believe.
Anti-Semitic Trash.
Of all the people whom it is not only permissible to hate, but encouraged, anti-Semites lead the list. I would like to point out that most anti-Semites are hardcore Leftards, despite their desperate efforts to paint the Right as Nazis. Hitler was a Leftist, by personal declaration and by all evidence of his actions. Nazi, after all, is a reference to National Socialist, and don't forget it. Stalin, one of the top ten murderous Leftists of all time, killed more Jews than Hitler, a fact that even the History Channel is finally acknowledging.
There seems to be some vile link between the two, even lately. One would almost think that, with all the historical lessons of the last couple of centuries, even Leftards would know better than to start drinking from the poisoned well of Jew hatred. I suppose that's why we view them as crazy little government loving retards, though. No matter how badly they get their little pee-pee whacked, they always expect different results from doing the same thing over and over. That's not the clinical definition of insanity, but it's a good working definition.
Socialized medicine is a horrific failure in every country it's been tried, extending to months services we take for granted are same day, killing with neglect those it's supposedly designed to serve? Oh, but it's Hillary Clinton designing this system!
Yeah, a lawyer designing a medical system, that is just sure to work.
"Gun Control" victimizes law abiding citizens, enables criminals, and contributes to the breakdown of society in every country in which it's been tried, starting with Nazi Germany? Oh, but we have Dianne Feinstein and Sarah Brady in charge of this effort!
Yeah, nanny state morons will surely be able to reverse the laws of human behavior to protect us after they've rendered us defenseless. Riiiiight.
Anti-Semitism has been one of the many first steps taken by political movements in the process of self destructing, from the Czar of Russia to National Socialism to Stalinism to the current crop of whackjobs in EUnuchland and the Middle East? Oh, but surely it will different this time, with modern "liberal progressives" in charge of the camps!
Never Again!
You may, of course, be wondering what triggered this little rant, and for that, I direct you to comments following this post.
Zorro, of course, is the anti-Semitic little scumbag that believes that Isreali intelligence was involved in 9/11, the War on Terror is part of some Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, or Vast Neocon Conspiracy, or something, and radical Islam is of far less concern to those with their priorities in order than environmental destruction. I suppose with those premises, sounding like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Lite isn't such a leap.
Go mock the little Fucktard, lord knows he's earned it.
There seems to be some vile link between the two, even lately. One would almost think that, with all the historical lessons of the last couple of centuries, even Leftards would know better than to start drinking from the poisoned well of Jew hatred. I suppose that's why we view them as crazy little government loving retards, though. No matter how badly they get their little pee-pee whacked, they always expect different results from doing the same thing over and over. That's not the clinical definition of insanity, but it's a good working definition.
Socialized medicine is a horrific failure in every country it's been tried, extending to months services we take for granted are same day, killing with neglect those it's supposedly designed to serve? Oh, but it's Hillary Clinton designing this system!
Yeah, a lawyer designing a medical system, that is just sure to work.
"Gun Control" victimizes law abiding citizens, enables criminals, and contributes to the breakdown of society in every country in which it's been tried, starting with Nazi Germany? Oh, but we have Dianne Feinstein and Sarah Brady in charge of this effort!
Yeah, nanny state morons will surely be able to reverse the laws of human behavior to protect us after they've rendered us defenseless. Riiiiight.
Anti-Semitism has been one of the many first steps taken by political movements in the process of self destructing, from the Czar of Russia to National Socialism to Stalinism to the current crop of whackjobs in EUnuchland and the Middle East? Oh, but surely it will different this time, with modern "liberal progressives" in charge of the camps!
Never Again!
You may, of course, be wondering what triggered this little rant, and for that, I direct you to comments following this post.
Zorro, of course, is the anti-Semitic little scumbag that believes that Isreali intelligence was involved in 9/11, the War on Terror is part of some Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, or Vast Neocon Conspiracy, or something, and radical Islam is of far less concern to those with their priorities in order than environmental destruction. I suppose with those premises, sounding like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Lite isn't such a leap.
Go mock the little Fucktard, lord knows he's earned it.