Friday, March 03, 2006

Micheal Barone has a question for you.

Hie thee hence. The question is at the bottom of the column, but read the whole thing, as they say, so you don't look like a complete idiot in your answer.

My answer for Mr. Barone is that most of the "journalists" in this country are either on the payroll of enemies of the United States or at the least, active sympathizers with those enemies. Therefore, I heartily advocate immediate prosecution of anyone violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and it's later amendments, any findings of guilt to be followed by timely exhaustion of the appeals process to be followed by public hangings. Party affiliation means nothing to me in this matter, nor any other, and my fair readers are to be reminded that I am a registered Independent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you hate America, you terrorist-loving freak? I am sure that you realize the top secret nature of our Leader's plan to execute all of the enemy sympathizing journalists. Yet here you are, revealing TOP SECRET plans on a public blog. And you have the nerve to claim to be a Patriot. What turned you against our great Christian nation? Was it the money? The hundred virgins? What?

I have forwarded a link to your site to the WH. Given our Commander's close relationship with God, it is surprising that you haven't already been smote down by the Lord. In any event, it is certainly only a matter of time before DHS comes knocking on your door. Enjoy the necktie, traitor!

March 22, 2006 8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang them all. I'm a RepublTHUG. We can start with Hanoi John McK9 !

March 25, 2006 4:36 PM  

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