Saturday, December 31, 2005

A few thoughts on the mental disease of Leftism.

I've lived a fair section of life, as some might say. Been there, seen that, done her. But one thing always suprises me a bit, and pisses me off royally, too. It's kind of like being starving hungry, I mean run that live cow by the table so I can carve off a steak hungry, buying a cheeseburger, and having a cockroach scurry off across the table when you unwrap the damn thing. Very mixed feelings at that point, y'know?

I speak, of course, of the feeling one gets when one discovers that a person one took to be a decent, rational, patriotic American turns out to be Just Another God Damned Communist. Disappointment, betrayal, rage, are just a few of the emotions at hand. Uppermost in one's mind may be an almost overwhelming desire to go beat the living crap out of the individual's parents for raising such an utter failure of a human being. That feeling is more likely than not countered by an even stronger worry that such stupidiocy might be contagious, and thus one shouldn't indulge for fear of getting any on one.

It all makes me want to drink heavily, very heavily. In fact, I think I shall. Hold on here, Toe Cheese, lemme make something with hair on it.

Ahhhh. Nothing like a Curzon Line to get one properly lubricated for opinionating.

Curzon Line

Vodka (preferably Polish)
Black Haus Blackberry Schnapps

Mix equal parts Vodka and Black Haus with Ice in a Glass. Drink.

Some of you are going to get the Curzon Line reference without looking it up, and you can be my friends. Some of you are going to get it after looking it up, and you might become my friends. Some of you are going to find the name offensive, and you can fuck right off out of here. Real men like military history, and drinks named thereafter.

Where was I?

Ah yes, Leftards. Winston Churchill wasn't the first person to comment on the incredible immaturity it takes to believe the patent nonsense constituting Leftism, and he certainly won't be the last. Hell, unless we all come to our senses and hang these criminals against humanity, or I live forever, I won't be the last.

Leftism, at it's heart, is an evasion of reality. Let's take a look at the central tenet of Leftism.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Now, leaving quite aside the question of who gets to define ability and need, one has to ask why ability should determine what one gives to society, instead of, say, individual judgement and willingness. One also has to wonder if all the resources in society can fill the need of one anti-social person who has learned to make a big laundry list of things they just can't live without. This sort of thinking just isn't encouraged in Publik Skool, as it might lead people to ask if perhaps we should stop enslaving everyone to pay to "educate" some people's children.

We should privatize every single school in the country, and remove all non-market barriers to entry into the business of education. Yes, Louise, education is a business, just like any other. How would you feel if Gummint took over, say, all forms of transportation, and forced everyone who wanted to go anywhere to ride their product? The hot rod lover in me is cringeing at the thought, and the chopper lover even more so. Can you just imagine government owned transportation at all levels of society? Can you imagine getting your bicycle from the government? It would probably have five wheels.

If you know government would be an infinite fuckup in the field of transportation, (and if you don't, then get the fuck out of here, you pansy) then what makes you trust it in the far more complex field of education? Yet every Leftist alive thinks that government education is a wonderful thing, and wants more of it, especially for those dirty Reichwing Rethuglikkkan Retards in Red States.


If they can afford it, they send their children to private schools.

And so, we come to the first, last, and always foremost problem with Leftism: Unabashed bald faced hypocrisy. They know damned good and well that they are extremely lacking in ability, and over-endowed with need, thus they cling like barnacles to an organizational principal that wouldn't keep any society anywhere in all the history of mankind running smoothly or at all, in the incredibly dim hope that maybe, just maybe, this time it will work. But instead of actually living according to their "principles", they just pretend to do so whilst they actually behave exactly like the horrible dirty capitalist warmongers they bitch oh so self-righteously about.

This is the point you should sit up and listen, because I'm going to reveal to you a truth that has the potential to make your life all better, forever and ever, amen.

Avoid the whiners.

Sounds pretty simple, eh? Yeah, right. Do you know how difficult it is to live up to that? Do you know why it's important? Lemme splain, Lucifer.

Avoiding the whiners is critical, for the simple reason that all Leftards whine. All. No exceptions, although I am not including the Rational Left in this. Folks like Christopher Hitchens, Zell Miller, and Orson Scott Card are no threat to humanity, for the simple reason that they can be reasoned with. The rest of them cannot. Their premises are so false, so demonstrably untrue, so fucking wrong, that nothing can penetrate. They believe such patent nonsense as:

  • It's perfectly alright to send a man to jail for hiring a hit man to murder his wife, but not alright to send a woman to jail for hiring a "doctor" to murder her unborn child.
  • Saddam Hussein is more trustworthy than George W. Bush.
  • We must try to understand the root causes of agression against our country by insane Islamofascist Terrorists, but no such requirement was necessary for dealing with Hitler, Mussolini, or Hirohito.
  • Taxation is good for the economy, because government knows better how to spend our money than we do.
  • All wealth is the result of government action, thus government can rightfully demand as much of our nation's wealth as it deems necessary to operate.
  • It is perfectly alright for a woman to hire a "doctor" to murder her unborn children, but it's not alright for a woman to buy a gun to defend herself and her household.
  • WMD's are the only reason we went to war in Iraq, there are no other items of justification in Congress' authorization for the President to use force.
How many times have you heard or read some Leftard spouting off on any or all of the above issues, until faced with facts they refuse to say "You know, you have a point, let me think about that" and instead jump straight off into a tantrum of "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! The bad man is making me face facts and just don' wanna!"

Avoid the whiners. Don't try to argue past the point that you know you're dealing with a confirmed Leftard. Mock them mercilessly instead, and fill your life with joy.

Or ignore them completely. Whatever works.


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