Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Al Gore is an idiot.

Make with the clickage. Posted because someone has to remind the public what a drooling fucking moron this doofus is. Five F's of eight classes taken over three semesters! How the fuck do you manage that?! Even I did better in college.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fred Phelps is a Democrat

Just thought I'd issue a quick reminder.

Anyway, the Phelptards got ambushed recently, by Australians. Click the linky.

Good on ya, mates.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

What part of "No Identity, No Comment" do you not understand?


Friday, July 07, 2006

Note to anonymous cowards.

If you can't create an identity, don't bother commenting. I won't publish your nonsense.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Internet Needs an I.Q. Filter!

I mean it.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Mike and the inimitable (thankfully! One is enough, thanks.) Beck, who read Goldberg who reads the Dummycratic Underground so the rest of us don't have to, I have come to the conclusion that I will become the lifetime sex slave to the woman or women who will invent a stupidity filter to keep idiots like spooked911 OFF MY FUCKING INTERNET!

Only because I'm too poor to pay with cash, mind. Not that I'm into kinky stuff like being someone's sexual playtoy, or own a 1 pound stainless steel ball stretcher or anything like that.


Jimmy Carter, you fucking wanker.

Via Reuters, by way of Yahoo! and Fox, (hat tip to those wild and crazy guys Ace and Jeff Goldstein) I learn, much to my dismay, consternation, and unquenchable anger that burns like the furnace of a thousand suns, that one of the missiles launched by North Korea was aimed at Hawaii.

The thing that pisses me off more than any other about the advances in modern medicine, and the advances to be revealed in the near future, is that they enable and will continue to enable utter wastes of skin like Jimmeh! Carter to continue wasting air that people I like could be breathing.

Behold, pissants!

This is what real men drink. Scotch, cut with some sort of soda. All you scotch purists can blow me. Firmly held in my off hand was a nice Extraordinary Larry, by the Acid branch of Drew Estates. All you cigar purists can blow me, too.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Questions for those who support the "Palestinians".

Do you really think the rest of us have forgotten their Nazi connections? Those of us, Left, Right, and Independent, who use the term "Islamofascist" seriously have certainly not, nor will we ever. We use it in full knowledge of the reason it fits so well, and we're not going to let you forget it.

There's a reason Mein Kampf sells so well in the Arab states, and it would behoove serious thinkers to be reminded, constantly.

Questions for the Albore

Do you really believe there is enough water locked up in land based ice fields to raise the ocean level more than a few inches?

Even if there is, (and I'll accept it purely for the sake of argument) do you really think that moisture is going to end up in the oceans rather than the atmosphere?

If so, why weren't the world's oceans much higher the last time the planet was as warm as you are predicting?

What do have against the English, that you wish them not to re-enter the wine business, the Russians, that you wish them not to cultivate Siberia again, and the Africans, that you wish the Sahara to remain a desert?

Have you ever actually been laid, or has Tipper been cuckolding you all these years?

Rolling Stock.

It's like something straight out of Atlas Shrugged.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, America!

Time to hit the porch with a stogie and whiskey, for the Fourth of July fireworks review.

Democrats, people who don't like America, and other assorted wankers are cordially invited to FOADS, thanks.