Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Questions for those who support the "Palestinians".

Do you really think the rest of us have forgotten their Nazi connections? Those of us, Left, Right, and Independent, who use the term "Islamofascist" seriously have certainly not, nor will we ever. We use it in full knowledge of the reason it fits so well, and we're not going to let you forget it.

There's a reason Mein Kampf sells so well in the Arab states, and it would behoove serious thinkers to be reminded, constantly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Europeans, generally far more educated on Middle East history, are quite aware of this. So how do you explain their broadly pro-Palestinian outlook? Nostalgia?

July 07, 2006 1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes but why does a pro-Palestinian attitude go over "so well in the (European) states?" Nostalgia?

or could it be historian Dorothy Thompson was right when she said on a per capita basis Israel had killed more innocent Palestinians than Nazis killed Jews?

July 07, 2006 1:49 PM  
Blogger Forceleader999 said...

I'm not going to give you the "more educated" point, because it's utter bullshit. Europeans are better indoctrinated, perhaps. Educated? Not so much.

I'm more inclined to think their viewpoint has more to do with them being utterly and completely morally bankrupt, as evidenced by their siding with a bunch of Nazis, but hey, that's just my opinion, which is always right.

July 07, 2006 8:44 PM  

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